true story

We went to Costco tonight to look at a kitchen table and right across from it was a twin over full bunkbed.  “That’s what we’re going to get” I told Nic.  Thus began a debate about whether or not I can make a boy and a girl share a room.  I say yes.  That they are perfectly capable of sharing a room until puberty.  Nic said no.  We went back and forth a bit as we continued to shop around.

“Seriously, honey.  What will 9 year old Will possibly have going on in his life that his 5 year old sister can’t know about?”

Cue Will.  He at this immediate point in time starts pointing and giggling and says:  “he he he.  boobies.  he he he boobies.  he he he.”  as we pass the bulk bra display.

Sometimes I think the two of them gang up on me and plan these things out ahead of time.

will is going to have a “stister!”

At my ultrasound yesterday the baby wasn’t super cooperative about giving up the goods, but the ultrasound tech thinks she’s a girl!  She said don’t paint the nursery just yet–we’ll have to wait until my next ultrasound in 6 weeks to be SURE, but for now we’re excited that Willie will have a baby sister!  After I picked him up from preschool we went shopping for a present for the baby girl.  I wanted Will to pick between the ones *I* liked, but Will had his own idea.  It absolutely HAD to be the mermaid outfit.  And then he wanted to wear it, too.

I am so excited to be able to shop on the girl side of the store now!  It’s just so cute and ruffle-y over there!

“will will never again be at such a good age”

Is what Nic said to me the other day when we were lounging in bed.  Will had asked us if we could go see Mickey Mouse and we said no, that California was too far away.  He went to the window and looked out and had the following conversation:

“Mountain, have you seen where mine California house is?  [pause]  Yes.  It’s too far away.  [pause]  Oh!  Thank you, Mountain!”

a pink baby cello

This weekend Will convinced Nic to break out the viola.  Will is big into music and instruments.  Thanks to baby einstein (ugh) he knew the bridge and the long neck and the “bone”.  Tonight they played with it again (Will is allowed to play it as long as he is very careful) and I was asking Nic if there are any instruments for toddlers to play, because he loves them so much (both playing and listening).  I asked Will what instrument he would like to learn play and he answered “a baby cello” and then said “a PINK baby cello.”

Since I’m not so sure about the existence of baby cellos, and even less sure about where one would go about purchasing a PINK baby cello, I’m back on my periodic craigslist hunt for a piano.  I asked Will if he would like to get a piano (in leiu of a cello) and he said “that sounds like fun.”  And then asked if we could go store shopping for a “panano” (after I convinced him that we couldn’t immediately go visit grandpa and his panano).

yesterday at the pool

I took Will to the pool yesterday and he was so cute.  We have a great kid’s pool–it’s really pretty big, and goes deep enough for us to swim him around a little.  He is always pretty cautious about getting in–especially on a day like yesterday when there were a LOT of other kids there to watch.  Once he was in he was pretty sure he wanted out–he was complaining about it being cold (it was a little cold) and didn’t want me to swim him around at all.  But then I grabbed one of the balls and he started to warm up…and then a 7 year old befriended him and he was happy as a clam.  The boy and his sister played with us for a LONG time.  Lots of chasing.  And showing Will little tricks they wanted him to do.  It was so cute.  When we got out of the pool and were drying off, Will said “give big hugs” and I felt really badly that I hadn’t had Will say a formal goodbye to Gage (apparently when you have 4 siblings your parents run out of real names).  But low and behold, Gage came walking over to say goodbye and Will went over and gave him a big hug.  It was really sweet.

We went to Sonic for lunch afterward and had an all around great afternoon.  We both totally earned our naps.  ;)

will, upon returning from preschool…

Wandered all over the house and then came and asked me:

“Have you seen where my Nan is?”

I guess it makes sense…first we had Joan, then Chris and Manu (who left this morning), so clearly Heather must be next!


In other cute Will utterances, last night as we got into the car in the parking lot of Texas Roadhouse (yuuuuuummmmmm) Will asked us what we thought was, “Do you see the full moon?”

“Yes, buddy!  We see the full moon!” We both answered, surprised that Will knew what a full moon was!   (Or close enough–it’s really a few days away from a true full moon.)  And then he said it again, and we realized he hadn’t said full, he’d called it a BALL moon.

Which is exactly what I will be calling full moons from now on.